About ECFS
The European Club for Fetal Surgery
The European Club for Fetal Surgery (ECFS) was founded in the year 2014 by Martin Meuli (Pediatric Surgeon), Ueli Moehrlen (Pediatric Surgeon), Nicole Ochsenbein (Obstetrician), and Roland Zimmermann (Obstetrician), all from Zurich (Switzerland), with the goal to promote fetal surgery in Europe.
The Club aims at providing professionals involved in fetal diagnosis and therapy, particularly surgery, a cozy and informal forum to openly discuss relevant medical, academic, and ethical issues, to seek consensus wherever this is possible and meaningful, to set the highest possible standards of care, and to establish an efficient Europe-wide network consisting of truly qualified high volume fetal surgery centers as well as institutions referring patients to these centers.
ECFS Secretariat
University Children’s Hospital Zurich
Department of Surgery
Lenggstrasse 30
8008 Zurich
Email: ecfs@kispi.uzh.ch